Monday, March 23, 2009

Sun and Wasps

A few houses down the street from our work site are some ASBers who
removed nails from wood that will be reused.

The heat index today was "very high," so Ben Doing, Molly Ireland,
Chelsea Sievert and Melissa Jensen pitch a screen house to protect
against sunburn while working.

Unfortunately, the tent became a cage of wasps that had been hanging
out in the flowers, so we had to try and coax them out.


  1. Keep up the hard work, we all are so proud of you guys. But i want to see some sweat lol just kidding. Hehe.

    Bobby, P.S. Tell kendra I LOVE HER.

  2. People down there may be wondering about those folks from Wisconsin who can't stand the heat! Keep up the good work.
